
coral polyp 珊瑚蟲。

coral rag

Longer term post - construction monitoring of sloping seawall for hard coral establishment , and in case of non - establishment of corals undertake additional mitigations and or translocation of coral polyps 延長斜坡海堤筑成后的監察期,確保硬體珊瑚健康成長若未能達致預期效果,則采取其他緩解措施及或移殖珊瑚蟲

The rest falls to the invertebrates : pulsing jelly fish , darting shrimp , fixed colonies5 of coral polyps , and crawlers and diggers of the floor 其余部分落入無脊椎動物嘴中:脈動式水母、刺蝦、珊瑚蟲群、海底的爬行動物和潛在泥中的動物。